Obesity in Saudi Arabia:A serious problem turns to a disaster

The Saudi expert Dr/Fouad Niazy published a recent study explained that rates of obesity between Saudi Arabia citizens rose by 30% during the last decade and obesity rates between women are 37% and men 29%.These obesity rates are the highest in the world especially in Saudi women.

The cost of treating obesity in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is 19 billion Riyals annually because diseases caused by obesity such as diabetes,high cholesterol level in blood and hypertension.

There are a lot of reasons to the high rate of obesity in Saudi Arabia one of these reasons is the economic recovery with the advent of oil in the last few decades and mixing with civilized people such as USA and Europe and that cause changing in the lifestyle of Saudi citizen and the variety in the components of daily food so,the carlories in food increased and the high percentage of fats and carbohydrates in this food.

The main reason to this high rates of obesity in Saudi Arabia is overeating,fast food and soft drinks like Pepsi and Coca-cola.

Fast food restaurants in Saudi Arabia the main cause for obesity

Obesity turned in Saudi Arabia from a phenomenon to a disaster threatening the lives of men and women.Obesity also threatens the life of children and the rate of it in Saudi Arabia children is so high.

According to World Health organisation,Saudi Arabia is the highest in prevalence of Diabetes mellitus type 2 (Non-insulin dependant) associated with obesity in direct and indirect ways.

How to face obesity in Saudi Arabia?
1-The government of Saudi Arabia must raise Awareness to the danger of obesity and associated diseases throughout media and websites.

2-Doing a lot of exercises as possible.

3-You shouldn't ask other to do your jobs and do it personally.

You shouldn't sit in front of TV and Computers for a long time.

You shouldn't eat a lot of fast food and soft drinks.

6-You should do a healthy diet.
