Dr.Bassam: «corium Jeddah» is characterized by operating rooms for sophisticated hair transplant and laser treatment

Dr. Bassam Achi dermatology, laser treatment, examination of tissue and hair transplant consultant at corium Jeddah clinics said in an interview at the clinic that: there is a rise in demand for natural hair transplants from all over the world, and this new technology is the latest technology in the natural hair transplant, which is a transfer of hair follicles from the back of the head which is the region that contains the hair follicles genetically programmed to be a strong and stable to the front of the scalp area, which in turn is considered the most liable hair region to fall.
Also dr. Bassam said: corium Jeddah clinics are characterized by clinics and operating rooms for hair transplant as they were equipped with the latest equipment and their crew were trained at the highest levels so the hair transplant operation is performed by the doctor himself along with the medical team, and all the medical team has experience of not less than 10 years in the field of hair transplant, for these reasons The quality of hair transplant procedures performed in corium clinics - Jeddah are greatly appreciated in the Middle East.

He pointed out that the problem of baldness concern a lot of men, although the hair transplant is one of the effective solutions for it, but it should be the people who want to grow their hair should know very well that it is not a magical process of providing them with new hair, but it is a redistribution of the old hair found they already have.

Dr. Achi added that each new hair grow for a bald person over his head as a result of this process has great worth for him, and that the hair loss caused by genetic factors often appears in the top of the head or on the sides of the head, while the hair in the back of the head does not become light - often - except in advanced stages of age, and therefore dr. Achi describes back of the head as a "safe area", and for this reason the doctors - in most cases - take the hair from this area, and then implant it in infected bald areas.

He explained that there are two types of hair transplant techniques, first follicle picking technique, in which the hair is extracted individually, and the second is to draw a slice of skin technology, in which the doctor take a slice of skin from the back of the head of the patient then dividing them afterwards to separate roots.

Adding that follicle picking technology takes a long time, explaining that if the doctor, for example, to extract 2,500 units for implantation again in another place, often takes about three times the time to move the same number of follicles in the other technique.
