Saudis spend a fortune on cosmetics

The estimated average of money spent on cosmetics by the end of 2015 in Saudi Arabia is about 35 billion Dollars, according to some international experts. An official study explains that this average witnesses an increase of 17% against the last year’s consuming average, which reached 30 billion dollars.

The markets of cosmetics, perfumes and slimming medications flourished enormously in the last few years. Every Saudi woman spend more than 12 thousand SR on cosmetics, according to specialized experts in this field.

The experts also announced that the Saudi market is the first in the region in consuming cosmetics and perfumes, and one of the first markets on the level of growth in the field of aesthetic medicine in the last 10 years. They announced that while their participation in the twelfth conference of Dermatologists and cosmetologists, which ended its activities yesterday in the Saudi German Hospital in the presence of Dr. Jamal Hashem, the head of the department of dermatology, and a group of prominent Arab doctors and specialists. 

During the conference, Dr. Jamal Hashem expressed his happiness for the continuous researching of the dermatologists for what is new in the field dermatology and cosmetology in Saudi Arabia and around the world. He also illustrated the great development of surgeries in the previous period. He also expressed thanks to the Saudi Dermatologists Association for its cooperation in holding such conferences to keep doctors and university professors from all the Arab Region in touch with the newest in this field. 

Many pharmaceutical companies attended the conference, including some companies interested in introducing new methods in the treatment of skin diseases as the Saudi Ozone CO. the company uses cosmetic Ozone in treating skin diseases because of its effective role in regenerating cells by providing the necessary Oxygen for the renewal of these infected dermal cells. Ozone also eliminates the microbes that cause skin lesions. 

The conference was opened in the presence of Dr. Ali Al-Radady as a representative of the Saudi Dermatologists Association, Dr. Mustafa Abo-Zaid, head of the department of Dermatology at Al-Azhar University, and Dr. Hani Al-Noa’maan, consultative Dermatologist and a member of the Saudi Dermatologists Association and many other doctors from all around the Kingdom. 

Dr. Abdul-Hameed Al-Jahni mentioned that the Saudi Ozone Co. started in cooperation with the World Federation of Ozone in France many years ago to be specialized in Ozone healthy, cosmetic, industrial techniques at the newest laboratories of Europe and United States and a number of the countries of the world. This comes as an interaction with the global and Gulf trend to support Ozone complementary medicine in Saudi Arabia, and to exchange the international and Gulf experiences to support these kind of international technologies. 
