Dr Dujana Mousa: 26% of Saudi Arabia citizens suffer from Hypertention and obesity is the main cause

Twenty-six percentage of Saudi Arabia citizens suffer from Hypertension and Obesity is the most prominent cause.Urban areas of Saudi Arabia have higher prevalence rate of hypertension than rural areas.

Recent medical statistic has revealed that
prevalence rate of hypertension among Saudi Arabia citizens is 26% and 75% of these patients are unable to control their blood pressure In spite of using anti-hypertensive drugs.The prevalence between men and women is 28.6% of men and .23.9% of women
Dr Dujana Mousa (kidney diseases consultant and head of Kidney Transplant Program at Riyadh Military Hospital) has warned that dietary,social habits and life nature of Saudi Arabia citizens especially high rates of obesity among youth and familial factors are enough to raise
prevalence rate of hypertension is Saudi Arabia.

She has mentioned that dietary habits of youth under 18 such as Caffeinated beverages such as Pepsi and Coca-cola and ready-made (Fast food) meals threatening whole generation suffering from Diabetes Mellitus – Hypertension – Renal Failure at young ages. She told «Middle East Newspaper» that Hypertension called (the Silent Killer) because most people aren't able to recognize its symptoms ,therefore they are threatened by its complications such as heart diseases, brain strokes and renal disorders which may lead to death.in the other hand these complications could be prevented with good control of blood pressure.

Dr dujana mousa asked the Education officials to include awareness of hypertension and renal diseases within the curriculum, especially with increasing its
prevalence rate to scary level,Where global rates indicates that the prevalence rate of renal failure is estimated at 120 case every million people,while in Saudi Arabia cases are doubled. The waiting list for kidney transplants in Riyadh military hospital alone is about 240 patients, and there are 20-25 cases are examined in clinics per day, that costs much money estimated at 1200 to 1800 riyals for each dialysis.

Dr Dujana Mousa explained that the risk factors of high blood pressure rises by factors of age
, Whenever advancing age, the greater the chances of developing high blood pressure
Besides race factor, where the blood pressure is spread among the black races more than fair-skinned
Besides genetic and gender factors, which explain high prevalence among males more than females in young adulthood,
Then ratios are equally at age 55-65 in both sexes, and then after the age of 65 the incidence increases among females than males.

Electronic sphygmomanometer.Image From wikipedia

Dr. Mousa has hinted that there are factors that can be avoided to prevent hypertension
Such as obesity, physical inactivity, smoking ,drinking alcohol that banned in Saudi Arabia according to Sharia Law,and nervous tension, and chronic diseases such as high cholesterol, and heart failure, which increases the risk of high blood pressure.
, according to Dr. Dugana,patients with chronic hypertension suffer from problems as a result of it, such as Atherosclerosis, Cardiomegaly, Blockage or burst of blood vessels in the brain ,weakness or stenosis of renal vessels, narrowing or thickness of eye blood vessels, Noting that good control in hypertension for 5 years reduces the risk of heart attack by 20 percent, according to research findings that 50 percent of the symptoms disappear after controlling blood pressure. Finally,
Dr Dujana Mousa advises Saudi Arabia citizens to measure blood pressure periodically even there are no any symptoms you feel it to avoid the silent killer.
