Plastic Surgery Specialist offers four practical steps for liposuction

Plastic Surgery Specialist offers four practical steps for liposuction
Many women direct to liposuction operations, aiming for slimming or re-textures coordination and body shape.

About that Dr. Wael Sakr professor of cosmetic surgery at Beni Suef medicine, explained that there is incorrect belief that liposuction is performed in order to slimming, and this is not true because it is mainly carried out in order to restore consistency and carving the strength of the body, it is also used by many patients who follow Diet system leading to presene of some fatty blocs in areas in the body, and others who their bodies did not respond to Diet system, which gives the body decent form.

 He pointed out that liposuction is done through the following steps:

 The firest one is to Conduct a comprehensive medical examination on the body, especially those who suffer from chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and others.

the second step is liposuction does not leave scars or wounds as it is done through very small holes of
about 3 ml
 He added that there are some precautions you should take into account before making this 
process, which are:

 You should not perform this operation if body weight icreased 

by 25% above normal  
range, because that leads to the occurrence of wrinkles in the skin.

2) Suction more than 6 liters of liquid fat isn't allowed in a single session.
The doctor also advised patients that they need to wear medical Corsets immediately after the operation to reach the ideal result.
